Monday, December 1, 2008


We went to the river for Thanksgiving this year. It was so much fun. Brewin enjoyed his first Thanksgiving feast....This is him with the Turkey leg. He was very upset when I took it away from him.
Brewin went on his first Rhino ride this weekend and loved it. He was such a trooper.....He smiled the entire time and looked all around. He is definitely all boy!!!!!
Brew in Grandma and Grandpa's Rhino
Every year they have a Christmas Parade right after Thanksgiving on the street where the river house is. Everyone decorates their Rhino's and we drive down the street and stop at about four houses where they have food and drinks for us. It is a lot of fun:) So here are some pictures of the Rhino's decorated and Brewin in his Santa Hat.

Brewin during the Parade.....He had so much fun and was very entertained the entire night.
Brewin and Uncle Cam after the Parade.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Brew is taking a nap right now so I thought I would give this blog thing a try:) I don't know how often I will post but we will see what happens.....

Brewin is going to be 10 months old in a week and I just can't believe how fast time has gone by......He is so much fun and his little personality is starting to come alive. He is all over the place and into everything!!! So here is a picture of our adorable little boy.